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Macalyne Watkins Fristoe papers

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2023-013

Content Description

Includes the professional papers of Dr. Macalyne Watkins Fristoe and her research, scholarship, practice, and instruction in the field of speech and hearing sciences, particularly related to assessment and therapy. Materials include correspondence, publications, research files, manuscripts, grant applications, patient assessments, coursework, photographs and slides, videocassettes, etc. Of particular note are materials related to the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation (GFTA).

Acquisition Type



Donated by Andy Fristoe on behalf of his mother, Macalyne Watkins Fristoe, in two installments, March 1 and May 18, 2022.

Restrictions Apply


Access Restrictions

Select materials may contain sensitive information and may not be available for research use. Boxes must be reviewed by an archivist prior to use. Please consult an archivist for details.

Use Restrictions

Intellectual property rights are retained by the Fristoe family. Consult with Purdue University Archives and Special Collections prior to the reproduction of materials.


  • Creation: 1950 - 2016



68.843 Cubic Feet (Sixty-five cubic foot boxes and two flat boxes)


Boxes 1 to 18 were packed from filing cabinets; Boxes 19 to 67 were packed from loose boxes. See preliminary inventory below for box list.

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