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Articles, 1890 - 1909

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 39, File 2

Scope and Contents

Fermentation of Bread, from the Botanical Gazette, vol, 15, no. 8, August 1890, pp. 204-209.

Diseases of the Sugar Beet Root, from Indiana Academy of Science, 1891, pp. 91-97.

Infection by Bread, from Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1895, pp. 46-48. [2 copies]

Ratio of Alcohol to Yeast in Fermentation, from Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1895, pp. 92-95.

Have the Common Yeasts Pathogenic Properties? - An Experimental Study, from Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1896, pp. 184-188.

Yeasts and Their Properties, from Purdue University Monographs, Series Relating To Food, No. 5, 1898.

On Bread and Bread-Making, from Purdue University Monographs, Series Relating To Food, No. 6, 1898.

Aspergillis Orzae (Ahlburg) Cohn, from Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1898, pp. 189-201.

Red Yeasts, by Miss K. E. Golden and C. G. Ferris, reprinted from The Botanical Gazette, Vol. 25, No. 1, January 1898, pp. 39-46.

Saccharomyces Anomalus Hansen(?), Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1899, pp. 141-144. [2 copies]

A Proteolytic Enzyme of Yeast, from Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1899, pp. 129-140.

A Study of the Histology of the Wood of Certain Species of Pines, from the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1901, pp. 292-297. [2 copies] (one copy missing pg. 297)

Tyloses in Brosimum Aubletti, reprinted from the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1904, pp. 227-232.

Oxydase in Wheat Grains, from Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1905, pp. 143-153.

The Histological Difference Between Pinus Taeda And Pinus Palustris, reprinted from the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1908, pp. 127-132. [3 copies] (one copy missing pp. 131-132)

The Effect of Preservatives on the Development Of Penicillium, from Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1909, pp 391-416.


  • Creation: 1890 - 1909


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Collection material is in English.

Access Information

This collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 0.125 Cubic Feet (Five folders)

Repository Details

Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository

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West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States