Sermones de tempore et de sanctis, circa 1300 - 1350
Scope and Contents
Collection of sixty-four sermons, "Sermones de tempore et de sanctis," attributed to a preacher, probably thirteenth century, known as "Thomas," likely Franciscan. Created in Southern Europe, probably in Italy possibly Southern France, in the fourteenth century. "Sermones de tempore" include sermons for the Proper of Time (the Sundays and Feasts celebrating the life of Christ, including the moveable feasts associated with Easter); "Sermones de sanctis" include sermons for the feasts of the saints and the Virgin Mary. This manuscript includes sermons from both cycles, in addition to sermons for various other occasions (the dedication of an altar, for example). These sermons are not presented in the traditional order based on the feast year. The sermons have distinctively scholastic, philosophical, and even mysterical characterics, with sophisticated structure. Related to a collection of sermons previously thought to exist in a single manuscript, now in the Vatican Library, MS Vat. Burghes. 80, the only to mention Thomas by name. Source: Les Enluminures item description. 1 bound manuscript on parchment, ca. 1300-1350. 145 leaves plus two parchment pastedowns, written in two hands, incorrectly foliated in ink by the second scribe, top right margin recto: ff. 74-97, 99*-202, 205*-213, 213bis-220, [skips 98, 202-203, with 213bis], incomplete, missing initial 73 folios and a number of final folios, (collation i-ii12, iii14, iv-vi12, vii20, viii18, ix21 [one leaf added after 15], x12), catchwords at the end of each quire, quires i-vi ruled in drypoint, prickings remain outer margin (justification 101 x 72 mm), text written in 23 long lines in a Gothic semitextualis script, notes for rubricator in margins, chapters begin with red initials, majuscules stroked in red, red rubrics and inconsistent underlining, quires viii-xi, (justification, 111 x 80 mm), written in 34-40 lines in a cursive Gothic script, damage from damp and chalking, f. 115 is torn, f. 115v is blank, f. 74 stained and damaged from damp with the top half now illegible, ff. 114v, 85v, 115, and 220v are partially illegible, original parchment defects on folios 80, 109, 110, 115, 129, 155, 160, 161, 193, marginal text on f. 187 is cut off by trimming, but overall in good condition. Bound in early-modern vellum, incorrectly labelled on spine, "Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea." 139 x 91 mm. Text in Latin. The first part of the manuscript (quires one-six, through f. 148v) is written in abbreviated gothic semitextualis script. The second part of the manuscript, written in an informal, quickly written, cursive Gothic script, was likely copied in the same place by a contemporary of the first scribe who completed the text for his own private use. In both sections abbreviations are dense and irregular. At some point the manuscript was rebound and trimmed to a smaller format, losing a substantial part of the original book, ff. 1-73. Source: Les Enluminures item description.
- Creation: circa 1300 - 1350
Access Information
Collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 0.572 Cubic Feet (Three boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository
504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States