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Tom Allen Comedy of the Dead script

 Collection — Communal Collections Box: 65, Placement: 08, Folder: 1
Identifier: MSP 279

Scope and Contents

The collection consists of the script is for "The Comedy of the Dead" (La Comedia de los Muertos), written by José Cid Pérez and transcribed into English by John P. Dyson.  There is an inscription inside the front cover from Perez to Professor Robert Lowe.


  • Creation: 1967

Language of Materials

The collection is in English.

Access Information

Collection is open for research.

Access Information

Collection is open for research.

Copyright and Use Information

Copyright held by the author.

Biographical Information

José Cid Pérez was a famous Cuban playwright who married Dolores Martí de Cid in 1939. The couple left Cuba in 1960 and came to the United States. Both were professors at Purdue University and dedicated their careers to the studies of Latin American theater. Among his most famous plays are Hombres de dos Mundos, Cadenas de amor, and La Comedia de lor Muertos.


0.025 Cubic Feet (1 folder)

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Acquisition Information

Collection was donated by Tom Allen, July 11, 2013.

Processing Information

The collection is housed in an acid-free folder in an acid-free box.

Tom Allen Comedy of the Dead script
Jennifer Sdunzik and Richard Bernier
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Edition statement
Second edition. Collection description was first completed on 2018-05-14

Repository Details

Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository

504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States