Communal collections box 13
Contains 34 Results:
Collection on John R. Wooden
Video interview, 2006 and special issue of Journal & Courier, 2010 (front page picture with numerous articles)
T. C. and Rosemond Walker collection
Purdue Memorial Union Certificates of Life Membership for T. C. Walker and Rosemond Walker, circa 1922.
Janet Lee Vaughn papers
Thesis of Cleo Fitzsimmons, Some Contributions of Economic Theory to Home Economics, University of Illinois, 1944. Catalog record for Janet Lee Vaughn's thesis, Consumer's Preferences for Goods Related to Stages of the Family Life Cycle, 1967.
Collection on Mildred Tingley
"Purdue Sends Girl to China," (the girl being Mildred Tingley) 1922. [newspaper clipping, no publication information available]
Sarah J. Watlington speech
Program and speech by Sarah "Sally" Watlington about Helen Schleman, for Chronicling Women's History: Selections from the Susan Bulkeley Butler Women's Archives event at Purdue University, 2008.
Charles E. Thompson collection
Charles E. Thompson's grade cards and student fee receipts for 1888-1889.
John "Jack" Tipton collection
Photograph of John "Jack" Tipton, with notations on the back. Letter from the donor which states, "The young man pictured is John Jack Tipton who faithfully corresponded all through the war (WWI) with my mother, and they shared a great love of learning and respect for an education as means of bettering themselves through life."
Wallace B. Van Arsdel papers
Articles by Wallace B. Van Arsdel.
E. B. Vawter papers
Vawter, E. B. (1892). Some Qualifications of the Engineer. Proceedings of the Indiana Engineering Society, 1892, pp. 124-128.
A. L. Walters papers
Articles by A. L. Walters.
Madison Weidner and Frank C. Watson collection
A Course in Mechanical Drawing, arranged especially for the students of Purdue University by C. B. Peterson, instructor in Mechanical Drawing, Lafayette, Indiana, 1896 [textbook]
Kate Wentz collection
Includes a clipping of Wentz's obituary.
C. H. Werkman papers
Articles by C. H. Werkman.
Guy W. Wilson papers
Articles by Guy W. Wilson.
Harvey Wonning collection
Dance cards and programs from Harvey Wonning's time as a Purdue student, 1911-1912.
James M. Wood collection
Expense account book for James Wood from his freshman year at Purdue (September 1909) to his junior year (December 1911).
Kenneth M. Wood Jr. collection
Two campus newspapers and two miscellaneous items from Kenneth M. Wood Jr.'s time as a Purdue student.
Charles Zergiebel collection
Dance cards from Tau Chapter of Phi Delta Chi Fraternity, programs, certificate of entrance to Purdue, military special orders and miscellaneous items from Charles Zergiebel's time as a student at Purdue University from 1918-1923.
Articles, 1921-1936
Articles, 1911-1921
Walters, A. L.; Haskell, C. C. (1911). Susceptibility of the Guinea Pig to Poisoning by Digitalis. Reprinted from the Lilly Scientific Bulletin, series 1, no. 1, 1911, pp. 12-18.
Obituary, 1938
"Kate Wentz, 72, Teacher, Dies," 1938, p. 10.
Articles, 1923-1928
Articles, 1905-1914
Programs and Dance Cards, 1911 - 1912
Second Annual Convention, Triangle Banquet, February 4, 1911. Triangle Informal, dance card, March 16, 1911. Triangle, Trail Dance, dance card, May 18, 1911. [2 cards] Triangle Vaudeville, by Triangle Pledges, April 11, 1912. [program] Triangle dance, April 27, 1912. [2 dance cards] Farewell Party, Triangle seniors, Tecumseh Trail, May 24, 1912. [program] Program for Alumni Day and Commencement, 1912
Campus Newspapers and Miscellaneous, 1938
"P", circa 1938 [Purdue University sticker]
The Centennial "Portrait" of Purdue University - Reproductions of these Commemorative Paintings by Robert Childress - University Hall, Executive Building and Memorial Union. [flyer]
Purdue University Life at Cary Hall, Purdue's Residence Hall for Men, The Purdue Exposer, Friday, December 9, 1938.
The Poodoo Explosion: Booming Voice of the Big Ten, October 28, 1938.