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Box 14


Contains 18 Results:

Gemini Program Files, 1952 - 2005

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4
Scope and Contents The Gemini Program files include a small selection of personal correspondence and a wide range of working documents. Personal items consist of congratulatory correspondence from family and colleagues at NASA. The working documents begin with materials related to the systems of Gemini spacecraft, equipment, and basic operating procedures. Technical documents detailing Gemini systems are followed by training materials used by Neil Armstrong during the Gemini program. The arrangement of this...
Dates: 1952 - 2005

Working Files, 1961 - 1969

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2
Scope and Contents Working files related to the Gemini program consist of documents detailing the spacecraft and equipment used by Gemini astronauts in most of the Gemini missions under the heading "Systems." Following these technical documents are coursework and memos related to the training undertaken by Neil Armstrong for his part in Gemini missions under the heading "Training." Memos, working documents, internal notes, and reports which detail the planning of specific Gemini missions, particularly Gemini...
Dates: 1961 - 1969

Gemini Program - Mission Planning [Gemini VIII, Systems, Blue List, CCB], 1964 - 1966

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6
Scope and Contents

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: 1964 - 1966

[CCB] Memos from Gemini Configuration Control Board (CCB) regarding equipment changes necessary for upcoming Gemini Mission, 1965 - 1966

 Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 1
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: 1965 - 1966

[Blue List Add.] Addendums updating the status of Gemini equipment in development, Add. No. 4-57 with related memos, several documents have hand written notations, October - December 1965

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: 4
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 2
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: October - December 1965

S/C 11, Power System Review, circa 1966

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: 6, Item: 1
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 4
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: circa 1966

S/C 11 Fuel Cell Power Briefing, August 4, 1966

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: 6, Item: 2
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 5
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: August 4, 1966

Astronaut Briefing: Environmental Control System, GTA-11, circa 1966

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: 6, Item: 3
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 6
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: circa 1966

Communications Briefing for GT-11, August 1, 1966

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: 6, Item: 4
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 7
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: August 1, 1966

TDA Antenna Switching Logic, undated

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: 6, Item: 5
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 8
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: undated

Astronaut Briefing: Propulsion, GTA-11, August 4, 1966

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: 6, Item: 6
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 9
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: August 4, 1966

McDonnell Aircraft Corp. Guidance and Control Mechanics Gemini Design Note No. 394, The Gemini XI Re-entry Monitoring and Control Procedure, August 18, 1966

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: 6, Item: 7
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 10
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: August 18, 1966

S/C 11 Second Fuel Cell Power Briefing, September 2, 1966

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: 6, Item: 8
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 11
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: September 2, 1966

Nuclear Rockets Based on Graphite Reactor Technology: Their Application and Development Status, September 28, 1964

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: 7
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 14
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: September 28, 1964

Argentine Space Research Program - Investigaciones Especiales Argentina Space Research, 1966

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: 8
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 4, Sub-Group 2, File 6, Item 15
Scope and Contents From the File:

Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.

Dates: 1966

NASA Career, 1948 - 2009

 Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1
Scope and Contents Housed in this series are the documents and other materials generated during Neil Armstrong's NASA career, from his days as an experimental test pilot through his assignment as the Deputy Administrator of Aeronautics. Early materials of note are documents related to the X-15 program and Armstrong’s engineering work as part of the Dyna-Soar team before his transfer into the astronaut program. A central piece of this series is the inclusion of Armstrong's application to the NASA astronaut...
Dates: 1948 - 2009

Neil A. Armstrong papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5
Scope and Contents The Neil A. Armstrong papers document the military, aeronautics, astronautics, teaching and corporate business career of Neil A. Armstrong. The papers also feature items from Armstrong's youth and education. The collection includes but is not limited to documents, coursework, working papers, subject files, correspondence, writings, speeches, recordings, photographs and newspaper clippings. The papers are divided into eighteen series, and further information on the scope and content of the...
Dates: 1671 - 2012; Majority of material found within 1960 - 2012