Box 14
Contains 18 Results:
Gemini Program Files, 1952 - 2005
Working Files, 1961 - 1969
Gemini Program - Mission Planning [Gemini VIII, Systems, Blue List, CCB], 1964 - 1966
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
[CCB] Memos from Gemini Configuration Control Board (CCB) regarding equipment changes necessary for upcoming Gemini Mission, 1965 - 1966
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
[Blue List Add.] Addendums updating the status of Gemini equipment in development, Add. No. 4-57 with related memos, several documents have hand written notations, October - December 1965
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
SAR Phase II Spacecraft Acceptance Reviews, recommending action and justifying to contractors designing Gemini Spacecraft and equipment, Nos. 0802-1 to 0802-44, 1965 - 1967
(Loose papers from magazine sleeve [Gemini VIII, Systems, Blue List, CCB])
S/C 11, Power System Review, circa 1966
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
S/C 11 Fuel Cell Power Briefing, August 4, 1966
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
Astronaut Briefing: Environmental Control System, GTA-11, circa 1966
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
Communications Briefing for GT-11, August 1, 1966
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
TDA Antenna Switching Logic, undated
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
Astronaut Briefing: Propulsion, GTA-11, August 4, 1966
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
McDonnell Aircraft Corp. Guidance and Control Mechanics Gemini Design Note No. 394, The Gemini XI Re-entry Monitoring and Control Procedure, August 18, 1966
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
S/C 11 Second Fuel Cell Power Briefing, September 2, 1966
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
Nuclear Rockets Based on Graphite Reactor Technology: Their Application and Development Status, September 28, 1964
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.
Argentine Space Research Program - Investigaciones Especiales Argentina Space Research, 1966
Includes memos regarding mission planning, briefings/debriefings; includes review of operational designs and a "DRAFT" of the Gemini VIII Mission Overview collected together with relevant memos by Armstrong.