Box 76
Contains 14 Results:
Results, 1958 - 1994
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Apollo Program - Results, 1969 - 1994
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Apollo 11 Post Mission Report, August 8, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Apollo 11 Spacecraft Commentary, July 16 - 24, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Apollo 14 (AS-509) Post Launch Mission Operation Report #1, February 22, 1971
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
On the Moon with Apollo 15: A Guidebook to Hadley Rille and the Apennine Mountains, June 1971
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report, circa 1973
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Cornell University News - Press release regarding the glazing of the moon's surface by solar explosions, September 26, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Internal Note No. 70-FM-30: Apollo 11 Entry Postflight Analysis, February 20, 1970
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Lunar Ranging Data Deposited in the National Space Science Data Center” Filtered Observations for 1969 September through 1970 June and Unfiltered Photon Detections for 1970 July through December, January 1972
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Draft: Apollo 11 Lunar Surface Journal, circa 1994
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.