Box 1
Contains 43 Results:
1926-1956, 1926-1956
Full List of Publications, 1926-1971
Archives' revise publications list, Notebook 1
Original copy of Bloodgood's publication list, Notebook 1
Bachelor's thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1926
Publications, 1932
"Turbidity Curve," Oct. 1932.
Publications, 1933
"An Emersion Turbidimeter and Sludge Blanket Detector," Water Works and Sewerage; Vol. LXXX, No. 4, p. 144* April, 1933.
Publications, 1934
"Activated Sludge Plant Operation Experiments," (Co-Author with Mr. C. K. Calvert) Sewage Works Journal, p. 1068, Vol, VI, Nov. 1934.
Thesis for the Degree of Civil Engineer, University of Wisconsin, 1935
"A Study of the Filtration Problem in Connection with the Production of a Marketable Fertilizer from Activated Sludge at Indianapolis," Filed in University of Wisconsin Library, 1935.
Publications, 1936
Digestion of Garbage with Sewage Sludge," Sewage Works Journal, p. 3, Vol. VIII, No 1, January, 1936. “Aluminum Alloys Tested for Sewage Treatment Works," Municipal Sanitation, May, 1936. "The Filtration of Activated Sludge at Indianapolis," Water Works and Sewerage, p. 251, Vol. 83, July, 1936.
Publications, 1937
"Direct Reading Scales for Measuring Devices," Municipal Sanitation, August, 1937.
Publications, 1938 (2)
"Stream Pollution in the Ohio River Basin,"- Discussion A.S.C.E. Proceedings, Vol. 64, No. 6, p. 1244, June, 1938. "Biologic Oxidation," Sewage Works Journal, p. 927, Vol. 10, Nov. 1938.
Publications, 1940
Discussion of Dr. Edwards' Paper, "New Developments in Activated Sludge Plant Operation,” Sewage Works Journal, p. 1085, Vol, XII; Nov, 1940.
Publications, 1945
"The B.O.D. Test as an Aid in Sewage Plant Operation," Proceedings of the 27th Texas Water Works and Sewerage Short Course, College, Station, Texas, Feb. 5-7, 1945. "Effect of Industrial Activity Upon Sewage Flows," Sewage Works Journal, Vol. XVII, No. 3, p. 481, 1945. "How Much Can We Depend Upon Chlorine?" 1945.
Publications, 1946
Publications, 1938 (1)
"Studies of Activated Sludge Oxidation at Indianapolis," Sewage Works Journal, p. 26, Vol. 10, January, 1938. "Safety and Health in a Sewage Disposal Plant," 1938.
Publications, 1939
Publications, 1941
"Operation of an Activated Sludge Plant," Wisconsin Engineer, March, 1941, p. 4.
Publications, 1942
"The Operation and Control of Activated Sludge Sewage Treatment Works," Rept. of Com. on Sewage Disposal, American Public Health Assn., Public Health Engineering Section, Sewage Works Journal, Vol. XIV, ND 1, Jan. 1942, P. 3.
Publications, 1944
Publications, 1947 (1)
"Sewerage and Sewage Treatment," Abstract of a Talk Given at the Annual Meeting of the A.S.C.E. in New York City, January, 1947, The American City, Feb. 1947. "Concentration of Activated Sludge,” Sewage Works Journal, March, 1947, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p. 202. "The Industrial Waste Problem, Report II," Sewage Works Journal, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p. 607, July, 1947.
Publications, 1947 (2)
"Removal of Toxic Substances from Netal Plating Wastes by Ion Exchange," Don E. Bloodgood and Felix Losson, Third Industrial Waste Utilization Conference Proceedings, Purdue University, November, 1947. "How Can Plant Losses Be Determined," Don E. Bloodgood and R. A. Canham, Proceedings of the Third Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, Nov. 1947.
Publications, 1947 (3)
"Characteristics of Strawboard Waste," Sewage Works Journal, Vol. XIX, No. 6, p. 1021, Nov. 1947. "Waste Produced Per Ton of Raw Material," 1947.
Publications, 1948
“Cyanide Waste Treatment by Ion Exchange Methods," Proceedings of the Fourth Insutrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, Sept. 1948. "Effect of the Industrial Waste Problem on Stream Pollution Legislation and Control," Proceedings, Annual Meeting A.S.C.E., 1947, Industrial Wastes – A Symposium, Sept. 1948. "Anaerobic Decomposition of Strawboard Wastes," Paper Trade Journal, Vol. 127, No. 22, Nov. 25, 1948, p. 43.
Publications, 1949
Assignment from the Committee on Research, Section A, F.S.W.A.: “Textile mills, wool scouring, laundries, tanneries, and metal plating.” [1949]. "Indices of Stream Pollution” Sewage Works Journal, Vol. XXI, No. 4, p. 711, July, 1949. Discussion of G. A. Rohlich’s Paper, "Engineering for Industrial Waste Treatment," presented at Eighth Annual Water Conference of the Engineer's Society of Western Pennsylvania, Nov. 1949.