Box 3
Contains 116 Results:
Research Articles, 1941 - 2010, bulk: 1950 - 1980
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Condrau, Gion. "Klinische Erfahrungen an Geisterskranken mit Lysergsaure-Diathylamid," (reprint), 1949
Three copies. First copy has organic structures drawn on back cover in pencil, final copy is missing outer binding.
Coppen, Alec. "The Biochemistry of Affective Disorders," Brit. J. Psychiat. 113 (photocopy), 1967
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Corssen, G. in Anaesthesiology. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, New York: American Elsevier Publishing Co. (photocopy), 1973
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Cooper, Clare. "The House as Symbol of the Self" in Designing for Human Behavior, John Lang (et al) ed. Pennsylvania: Dowden, Hutchinson, & Ross (photocopy), 1974
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Czigany, L. G. "The Use of Hallucinogens and the Shamanistic Tradition of the Finno-Ugrian People," SEER. Vol. 58, No. 2 (photocopy), April 1980
Handwritten note on front page.
Research Articles: D, 1958 - 1985
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Dahlberg, Charles C., Ruth Mechaneck, and Stanley Feldstein. "LSD Research: The Impact of Lay Publicity," Amer. J. Psychiat. Vol. 125, No. 5 (photocopy), November 1968
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Dahlberg, Charles Clay. LSD Facilitation of Psychoanalytic Treatment: A Case Study In Depth. (typed manuscript), undated
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Davidson, Bill. "The Hidden Evils of LSD," The Saturday Evening Post. (photocopy), undated
Photocopied underlining and marginalia throughout.
Davis, Emma Lou. No Title. Science. Vol. 160. (photocopy), undated
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Dean, Stanely R. "Beyond the Unconscious: The Ultraconscious," Psychologia. 8 (reprint), 1965
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Dean, Stanley R. "Is There an Ultraconscious Beyond the Unconscious?" Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal. Vol. 15, No. 1 (photocopy), February 1970
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Delay, J., P. Pichot, and T. Lemperiere. "La Psilocybine," La Presse Medicale. Vol. 67, No. 47 and Vol. 67, No. 49 (reprint), October 1959
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Delay, J., P. Pichot, and T. Lemperiere. "La Psilocybine Actions Psychologique et Therapeutique," La Presse Medicale. Vol. 67, No. 49 (reprint), October 24, 1959
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Delay, J., P. Pichot, and T. Lemperiere. "The Therapeutic Implications of Psilocybine," The Proceedings of the Quarterly Meeting of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association. London: H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd. (reprint), 1963
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Dement, William (et al). "Hallucinations and Dreaming," Chapter 24 in unspecified publication, undated
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Denber, Herman C. B. "Mescaline and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Therapeutic Implications of the Drug-Induced State," Diseases of the Nervous System. Vol. 33 (photocopy of reprint), February 1969
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Denson, R. "Lysergide in the Treatment of Neurosis," Diseases of the Nervous System. Vol. 27, No. 8 (photocopy), August 1966
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Derbolowsky, U. "Einsamkeit, medizinisch-psychologisch, religios, soziologisch," Zeitschrift fur Psychotherapie und Medizinische Psychologie. Vol. 16, No. 5 (reprint), September 1966
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
de Saint Phalle, Anne. "An Exploration of LSD, Richard Alpert, and Higher Forms of Consciousness," The Crimson Supplement. Cambridge, Massachusetts (original), April 23, 1969
Two copies.
Dewhurst, Kenneth. "Delayed Psychosis due to L. S. D.," The Lancet. (photocopy), December 5, 1970
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Di Leo, Francesco B. "Psychotherapy with Psychedelic Drugs: A Case Report," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Vol. 13, No. 4 (photocopy), October - December 1981
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Di Leo, Francesco. Transintegrative Psychedelic Therapy. (typed manuscript), September 1977
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Di Leo, Francesco B. "Position paper by A.A.P.A.P.M. President," American Association of Physicians for the Advancement of Psychedelic Medicine. (photocopy), June 5, 1985
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.