Box 23
Contains 27 Results:
Stanislav Grof papers
Papers and related materials documenting the life and career and of psychiatrist and author Dr. Stanislav Grof (Stan Grof). The papers consist primarily of published research articles and clippings discussing the therapeutic effects of psychoactive substances, as well as some first-hand accounts of transcendental experiences.
Multimedia Materials, 1973 - 2008, bulk: 2000 - 2008
Papers and related materials documenting the life and career and of psychiatrist and author Dr. Stanislav Grof (Stan Grof). The papers consist primarily of published research articles and clippings discussing the therapeutic effects of psychoactive substances, as well as some first-hand accounts of transcendental experiences.
Multimedia CDs, DVDs, and VHSs, January 3, 1973 - March 24, 2008
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
"The Roots of Violence and Greed: Transpersonal Perspective on Current Global Crisis." The Seventh International Conference on Science and Consciousness, 2005
Two discs
"The Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research." The Seventh International Conference on Science and Consciousness, 2005
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
"The Healing Potential of Non Ordinary States of Consciousness." PRESENT!, undated
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
"The Mythic Imagination and Life of Joseph Campbell." Connections with Duncan Campbell, January 30, 2004
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
"The Mythic Imagination." Connections with Duncan Campbell, February 20, 2004
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
"When the Impossible Happens." Attunement with Anthony Wright, July 27, 2006
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
"The Mutual Illumination of Astrology and Psychology." Weltkongress Astrologie, April 9 - 12, 2004
Three discs
"The Healing Potential of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness", 2005
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
"Man Isn't Dying of Thirst." Daniel A. Segal Productions, January 3, 1973
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
"Visionary World of H. R. Giger.", undated
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
"Subject Report: Effects of Psilocybin in Advanced-Stage Cancer Patients with Anxiety." Heffter Research Institute, November 2005
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
"Psychology for the Future." Sacred Art of Living Center, 2006
Two discs
"An Interview with Stanislav Grof." In Conversation, undated
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
“Doors of Perception.” Basel, 2008
Material has been damaged.
Grof, Stanislav. "Lecture at the Sorbonne University.", June 1992
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
Grov, Stanislav. "Interview for Czech TV.", October 2, 2007
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
Grof, Stanislav. "The Psychology of the Future: Teachings from Modern Consciousness Research." , March 24, 2008
Three discs
Grof, Stanislav. "Erfahrung von Tod und Wiedergeburt: Eine Visionäre Reise." , March 24, 2008
Three discs
Grof, Stanislav. "Erfahrung von Tod und Wiedergeburt: Eine Visionäre Reise.", March 24, 2008
Six discs
Stanislav Grof interview with Rajiv Mehrotra. New Delhi, India, February 2007
Contains lectures, interviews, and presentations.
"Non Ordinary States of Consciousness with Stan Grof and Mel Van Dusen.", undated
Two discs
Grof, Stanislav. "Birth and its Importance for Psychology and Astrology: Observations from Modern Consciousness Research.", April 9 - 12, 2004
Two discs