Communal collections box 5
Contains 66 Results:
Article and Brochure, 1923-1957
Cox, Anthony Bruce. A New Theory of Fluid Flow. Reprinted from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, pp. 769-793, December 1924
The collection consists of one folder which contains two articles by Anthony B. Cox.
Articles and Business Card, 1931
Articles, 1923
Das Gupta, Birendra Nath (1923). The Engineering of a Modern Printing Press. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 1, August, pp. 6-8.
Das Gupta, Birendra Nath (1923). The Industry of Brown Coal Mining. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 2, October, pp. 13-15.
Business Card - Birendra N. Das Gupta, Ingenieur, Geschaftsfuhrer der Indo-Europaischen Handelsgesellschaft m. b. H., Berlin-Wilmersdorf.
Publication, 1948
Colburn, Gelorge L. (1948). The Modern Method of Producing Continuous Sheet Glass. South Baintree, Massachusetts: The Observer Press, Incorporated.
Cole, A. B. (1919). Electric Railway Freight Haulage. AERA, vol. 8, no. 2, September, pp. 268-273.
Purdue University tuition receipt ($20.00 total amount), September 12, 1903
The collection consists of Collar's 1903 Purdue University tuition receipt ($20.00 total amount) and an article by him.
Engineering Achievements during 1925. Westinghouse Electric News, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 2-3, 9-13, January 1925
The papers consist of an article by H.W. Cope.
Publications, 1913 - 1916
The papers consist of articles written by Harry Cory.
Charles W. Cox notes and paper, Summer 1936
Notebook - Ross Camp, ten weeks of surveying, Summer 1936
Paper presented by Edmund S. Conklin, Professor of Psychology at Indiana University; "Department Management," presented at the State Meeting of the Indiana Chapters of the American Association of University Professors at Purdue University, December 11, 1937. Distributed to the faculty by Edward C. Elliott, January 5, 1937.
The Crowell Mill
Pamphlet - The Crowell Mill: a satisfactory machine for coarse and fine grinding. San Antonio, Texas: Crowell Engineering Association
Articles, 1898
"Morphological Characters of the Scales of Cuscuta." Reprinted from the Indiana Academy of Science, 1898, pp. 212-213.
"Geographical Distribution of the Species of Cuscuta in North America." Reprinted from the Indiana Academy of Science, 1898, p. 214.
Curd, W. C. Bank Protection and Restoration: A Problem in Sedimentation. Reprinted from Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXXXIV, pp. 303-330, 1921
The papers consist of an article by William Curd and a letter addressed to the Purdue Alumni Association.
The papers consist of two homework assignments in penmanship, reading, and orthography from 1871.
Potassium-Bearing Minerals as a Source of Potassium for Plant Growth, by Ernest E. DeTurk, 1919
(Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agronomy in the Graduate School of the University of Illinois.)
Article, 1912
Dietz, J. W. (1912). The Graduate Apprentice Course of the Western Electric Company. S.P.E.E., vol. 2, pp. 426-431.
Contains Doan's thesis, "Contributions to the Chemistry of Thallium: A Thesis," presented to the faculty of Cornell University for the degree of Doctor of Science, June 1896.
Das Gupta, Birendra Nath (1923). The Engineering of a Modern Printing Press. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 1, August, pp. 6-8.
Das Gupta, Birendra Nath (1923). The Industry of Brown Coal Mining. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 2, October, pp. 13-15.
Business Card - Birendra N. Das Gupta, Ingenieur, Geschaftsfuhrer der Indo-Europaischen Handelsgesellschaft m. b. H., Berlin-Wilmersdorf.
The Engineering of a Modern Printing Press. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 6-8, August 1923
Das Gupta, Birendra Nath (1923). The Engineering of a Modern Printing Press. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 1, August, pp. 6-8.
Das Gupta, Birendra Nath (1923). The Industry of Brown Coal Mining. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 2, October, pp. 13-15.
Business Card - Birendra N. Das Gupta, Ingenieur, Geschaftsfuhrer der Indo-Europaischen Handelsgesellschaft m. b. H., Berlin-Wilmersdorf.
The Industry of Brown Coal Mining. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 13-15, October 1923
Das Gupta, Birendra Nath (1923). The Engineering of a Modern Printing Press. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 1, August, pp. 6-8.
Das Gupta, Birendra Nath (1923). The Industry of Brown Coal Mining. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 2, October, pp. 13-15.
Business Card - Birendra N. Das Gupta, Ingenieur, Geschaftsfuhrer der Indo-Europaischen Handelsgesellschaft m. b. H., Berlin-Wilmersdorf.
Business Card - Birendra N. Das Gupta, Ingenieur, Geschaftsfuhrer der Indo-Europaischen Handelsgesellschaft m. b. H., Berlin-Wilmersdorf, undated
Das Gupta, Birendra Nath (1923). The Engineering of a Modern Printing Press. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 1, August, pp. 6-8.
Das Gupta, Birendra Nath (1923). The Industry of Brown Coal Mining. Commercial News, vol. 2, no. 2, October, pp. 13-15.
Business Card - Birendra N. Das Gupta, Ingenieur, Geschaftsfuhrer der Indo-Europaischen Handelsgesellschaft m. b. H., Berlin-Wilmersdorf.
Business Card - J. B. Demaree, Pecan Disease Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Thomasville, Georgia, undated
The papers consist of one folder which contains articles and a bulletin by Juan B. Demaree.
Demaree, J. B. Directions for Sterilizing Soil in Plantbeds and Greenhouses. Ninth Annual Report of the Indiana State Entomologist, pp. 91-94, 1915 - 1916
The papers consist of one folder which contains articles and a bulletin by Juan B. Demaree.
Demaree, J. B. Some Common Diseases of Vegetables. Ninth Annual Report of the Indiana State Entomologist, pp. 77-90, 1915 - 1916
The papers consist of one folder which contains articles and a bulletin by Juan B. Demaree.
Demaree, J. B. Kernel-Spot of the Pecan and Its Cause. United States Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 1102, Washington, D. C.: United States Department of Agriculture, September 26, 1922
The papers consist of one folder which contains articles and a bulletin by Juan B. Demaree.