Box 3
Contains 23 Results:
A Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
B Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
C Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
F Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
G-H Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
J-L Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
M Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
N Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
P Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
S-T Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
V-W Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
Campus Construction Photographs, 1979-1986
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
Campus Construction Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
Campus Firefighter Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
Staff Events and Parties, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
Student and Staff Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
Campus Maintenance and Construction Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
Hilltop Apartments Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
West Lafayette Campus Landscapes, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
West Lafayette Campus and Structures Photographs, Unknown Date
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.
Purdue University Architect records
The Purdue University Architect records contain images in varying media formats of Purdue University buildings and landscapes. Reports from the University Architect’s office regarding the different buildings on the West Lafayette as well as satellite campus located within the State of Indiana can also been found.