Box 2
Contains 30 Results:
Photographs and Negatives, circa 1910-1963
This sub-series contains photographs and photographic negatives taken of Benjamin Miessner’s inventions and experiments. Subjects include but are not limited to Miessner's office and laboratory setup; Miessner’s electronic instruments, including musicians performing with them; metal detectors; and sound wave recordings.
Experiments and Inventions, 1862 - 1966, bulk: 1915 - 1964
Technical Information, 1910 - 1964
Crystal Accelerometer, circa 1964
This sub-series contains components from Miessner’s inventions and tools used by Miessner in his work. It includes but is not limited to Bernhardt piano hammers, a crystal accelerometer, and a Shure Brothers slide rule.
Patents, 1862 - 1966
This sub-series contains components from Miessner’s inventions and tools used by Miessner in his work. It includes but is not limited to Bernhardt piano hammers, a crystal accelerometer, and a Shure Brothers slide rule.
Piano Technical Drawings and Notes, bulk: 1951 - 1955
Lists of Benjamin F. Miessner's Patents, 1932-1963, circa 1955, 1963
Wurlitzer Patents - Pianos and Organs, 1951 - 1961
Non-Miessner Electronic Musical Instrument Patents, July 1957 - December 1962
Patent Search: Condenser-Type Loudspeaker, January - February 1958
Benjamin Miessner Inventions, 1918 - 1931
Amplitude Limitation, Anti-Static Tests, 1919 - 1920
Continuous Wave Receiver, Frequency Reduction, 1920 - 1926
Analysis of Prior Patents and Publications Relating to Vibratory Translations Devices and Electro Musical Insturments, 1939
Phonograph Pickup, 1941 - 1950
Technical Data on Hydrogen Thyratron and Nickel Alloys, 1946 - 1954
Panoramic Sonic Analyzer, 1949-1951, 1962
Detectron Model DS-660 Frequency Counter, 1954 - 1956
Miscellaneous Technical Information, 1924-1936, 1954-1962
Miessner Notes and Graphs, 1964
Miessner Electronic Orchestra Photographs, circa 1930s
This sub-series contains photographs and photographic negatives taken of Benjamin Miessner’s inventions and experiments. Subjects include but are not limited to Miessner's office and laboratory setup; Miessner’s electronic instruments, including musicians performing with them; metal detectors; and sound wave recordings.
Miessner Electronic Piano Negatives, circa 1930s
This sub-series contains photographs and photographic negatives taken of Benjamin Miessner’s inventions and experiments. Subjects include but are not limited to Miessner's office and laboratory setup; Miessner’s electronic instruments, including musicians performing with them; metal detectors; and sound wave recordings.
Experiments and Devices, circa 1930s-1960s
This sub-series contains photographs and photographic negatives taken of Benjamin Miessner’s inventions and experiments. Subjects include but are not limited to Miessner's office and laboratory setup; Miessner’s electronic instruments, including musicians performing with them; metal detectors; and sound wave recordings.
Beating Reed Test Negatives, October - November 1934
This sub-series contains photographs and photographic negatives taken of Benjamin Miessner’s inventions and experiments. Subjects include but are not limited to Miessner's office and laboratory setup; Miessner’s electronic instruments, including musicians performing with them; metal detectors; and sound wave recordings.