Communal collections box 83
Contains 41 Results:
Ehresman Miscellaneous, 1920s - 2010
Miscellaneous Items, 1964 - 2010
Items in sub-series two include Associated Steel Company stock list, photographs, web page printouts for Professor Clark Hawk and Eric Newell, completed crossword puzzles, notes and diagrams, including handwritten notations, and issues of Inside Purdue and the Exponent.
Indenture, May 11(?), 1607
During the reign of James I.
Indenture, September 29, 1727
Signed by George David during the reign of George II.
Indenture, November 20, 1769
Signed by Mary Mundy, Ann Mundy, and Betty Mundy during the reign of George III.
Atlas Major: Armillae Ae Qvatorae Maximae Sesqviaeteru, 1662
The Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings (1 flat case file; 1662) contains 15 engravings (all on paper) that were once pages from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major. The engravings illustrate Brahe’s astronomical instruments and observations from his observatories, Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, in Hven, Sweden. Some of the paper contains two different watermarks: an elephant and Christ.
Atlas Major: Qvadrans Volubiles Azimuthalis, 1662
The Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings (1 flat case file; 1662) contains 15 engravings (all on paper) that were once pages from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major. The engravings illustrate Brahe’s astronomical instruments and observations from his observatories, Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, in Hven, Sweden. Some of the paper contains two different watermarks: an elephant and Christ.
Atlas Major: Sextans Astrononmicus Prout Altitudinibus Infervit, 1662
The Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings (1 flat case file; 1662) contains 15 engravings (all on paper) that were once pages from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major. The engravings illustrate Brahe’s astronomical instruments and observations from his observatories, Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, in Hven, Sweden. Some of the paper contains two different watermarks: an elephant and Christ.
Atlas Major: Effigies Tychonis Brahe O.F. Aedificie et Instrumentorum a Domini 1578 Aetatus, 1662
The Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings (1 flat case file; 1662) contains 15 engravings (all on paper) that were once pages from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major. The engravings illustrate Brahe’s astronomical instruments and observations from his observatories, Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, in Hven, Sweden. Some of the paper contains two different watermarks: an elephant and Christ.
Atlas Major: Ichnographie Stellebvrgi, 1662
The Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings (1 flat case file; 1662) contains 15 engravings (all on paper) that were once pages from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major. The engravings illustrate Brahe’s astronomical instruments and observations from his observatories, Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, in Hven, Sweden. Some of the paper contains two different watermarks: an elephant and Christ.
Atlas Major: Armillae Aequatoriae, 1662
The Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings (1 flat case file; 1662) contains 15 engravings (all on paper) that were once pages from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major. The engravings illustrate Brahe’s astronomical instruments and observations from his observatories, Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, in Hven, Sweden. Some of the paper contains two different watermarks: an elephant and Christ.
Atlas Major: Instrumentum Parallaticum, 1662
The Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings (1 flat case file; 1662) contains 15 engravings (all on paper) that were once pages from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major. The engravings illustrate Brahe’s astronomical instruments and observations from his observatories, Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, in Hven, Sweden. Some of the paper contains two different watermarks: an elephant and Christ.
Atlas Major: Sextans Astronomicus Trigonicus, 1662
The Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings (1 flat case file; 1662) contains 15 engravings (all on paper) that were once pages from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major. The engravings illustrate Brahe’s astronomical instruments and observations from his observatories, Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, in Hven, Sweden. Some of the paper contains two different watermarks: an elephant and Christ.
Atlas Major: Armillae Aeqvatoriae, 1662
The Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings (1 flat case file; 1662) contains 15 engravings (all on paper) that were once pages from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major. The engravings illustrate Brahe’s astronomical instruments and observations from his observatories, Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, in Hven, Sweden. Some of the paper contains two different watermarks: an elephant and Christ.
Atlas Major: Quardrans Magnus Chalibeus, 1662
The Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings (1 flat case file; 1662) contains 15 engravings (all on paper) that were once pages from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major. The engravings illustrate Brahe’s astronomical instruments and observations from his observatories, Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, in Hven, Sweden. Some of the paper contains two different watermarks: an elephant and Christ.
Men's Basketball Posters, 1980 - 2006
Three posters have been separated out in this series for preservation purposes. Two posters feature the season schedule with photographs of the team and Matt Painter, and one is a poster promoting senior leadership.
The posters reside in flat file 2, drawer 5 drawer.
"Coach Tiller wants you to wear gold!", 2000
The posters in the sub-series are Joe Tiller era bowl game posters and fan outreach posters. There are a few artifacts; a salute to Drew Brees towel, Purdue logo window cling, bumper sticker, buttons and stickers; "Hammer the Hawkeyes" and "Block '79."
Outback Bowl, "Boilermakers Thunder Down Under", 2000
This includes two copies of the same poster.
"Purdue Next Stop… Rose Bowl", 2000
There are two copies of this poster.
Sun Bowl, "Boilermakers Burnin' it Up!", 2001
Includes three copies of the poster.
Capital One Bowl, "Steamin' South", 2004
There are three copies of this poster.(3 copies)
“We've Got Your Game, Boilermaker Football", 2005
The posters in the sub-series are Joe Tiller era bowl game posters and fan outreach posters. There are a few artifacts; a salute to Drew Brees towel, Purdue logo window cling, bumper sticker, buttons and stickers; "Hammer the Hawkeyes" and "Block '79."
Poster for book: "The Purdue University Football Vault: The history of the Boilermakers," by Tom Schott, 2008
The posters in the sub-series are Joe Tiller era bowl game posters and fan outreach posters. There are a few artifacts; a salute to Drew Brees towel, Purdue logo window cling, bumper sticker, buttons and stickers; "Hammer the Hawkeyes" and "Block '79."
Boiler Fan Fest, "Go Boilers!", undated
There are two copies of the poster.
Team picture and schedule, 14' x 16 ½", 1980 - 1981
Three posters have been separated out in this series for preservation purposes. Two posters feature the season schedule with photographs of the team and Matt Painter, and one is a poster promoting senior leadership.
The posters reside in flat file 2, drawer 5 drawer.