Communal collections box 88
Contains 30 Results:
Chicago Daily News newspaper article, September 27, 1952
The Class of 1917 collection contains a cartoon cutout, card, flyer, and newspaper article.
Class of 1915 photographs, undated
Materials in this folder include, but are not limited to, photographs of Herbert S. O'Brien, Purdue football players in the 1910s, and members of the Class of 1915. Also present are notes, news articles, and newspaper clippings.
Class of 1923 collection
The collection contains the booklet from the Class of 1923's silver anniversary (25th reunion), at the 1948 Gala Week.
Class of 1915 collection
The Class of 1915 collection contains a scrapbook, a memory book, two volumes of bound letters, directories, yearbooks, booklets, programs, photographs, newspaper clippings, and various other documents related to members of the Class of 1915 during and after their time at Purdue University.
Class of 1890 collection
The Class of 1890 collection documents the history of the class of 1890. It includes a newspaper clipping on the golden (50th) Gala week reunion of the Class of 1890.
Class of 1933 collection
The Class of 1933 collection documents the history of the class of 1933. It includes an events program clipping on the crystal (15th) Gala week reunion of the Class of 1933.
Class of 1903 collection
The Class of 1903 collection contains a class directory, letters, newspaper cutouts, and a newsletter sent by class president Charles C. Albright.
Class of 1942 collection
The Class of 1942 collection contains a commencement address, class reunion program, class directory, and memories from the class of 1942 compiled in a booklet.
Class of 1914 collection
The collection contains directories from the 40th (1954), 45th (1959), 50th (1964), and 55th (1969) class reunions, held during Gala Week. Also included are some administrative records created or collected by the Class of 1914.
Class of 1920 collection
The collection contains two directories for the Class of 1920’s 45th class reunion, at the 1965 Gala Week.
Class of 1903 Directory, circa February 1954
The Class of 1903 collection contains a class directory, letters, newspaper cutouts, and a newsletter sent by class president Charles C. Albright.
Letter from Charles C. Albright to Mabel Claypool, June 1953
The Class of 1903 collection contains a class directory, letters, newspaper cutouts, and a newsletter sent by class president Charles C. Albright.
Gala Week dues, April 1953
The Class of 1903 collection contains a class directory, letters, newspaper cutouts, and a newsletter sent by class president Charles C. Albright.
empty envelope, undated
The Class of 1903 collection contains a class directory, letters, newspaper cutouts, and a newsletter sent by class president Charles C. Albright.
Class of 1903 Gala Week newspaper photo, undated
The Class of 1903 collection contains a class directory, letters, newspaper cutouts, and a newsletter sent by class president Charles C. Albright.
Alumni Scholarship Funds list, undated
The Class of 1903 collection contains a class directory, letters, newspaper cutouts, and a newsletter sent by class president Charles C. Albright.
Classmate dedication by Charles C. Albright, June 1953
The Class of 1903 collection contains a class directory, letters, newspaper cutouts, and a newsletter sent by class president Charles C. Albright.
Class of 1942 commencement address, December 20, 1942
The Class of 1942 collection contains a commencement address, class reunion program, class directory, and memories from the class of 1942 compiled in a booklet.
Class Directory and Gala Week Program for Class of 1942 reunion, April 1992
The Class of 1942 collection contains a commencement address, class reunion program, class directory, and memories from the class of 1942 compiled in a booklet.
Richard L. Kohl's collection of memories booklet, circa 1980s-1990s
The Class of 1942 collection contains a commencement address, class reunion program, class directory, and memories from the class of 1942 compiled in a booklet.
"The Class of Seventeen Want YOU" comic cutout, circa 1913-1917
The Class of 1917 collection contains a cartoon cutout, card, flyer, and newspaper article.
Class of 1917 flyer, undated
The Class of 1917 collection contains a cartoon cutout, card, flyer, and newspaper article.
"'17 Welcome Back" card, undated
The Class of 1917 collection contains a cartoon cutout, card, flyer, and newspaper article.
Alumni Directories, circa 1954-1973
The collection contains directories from the 40th (1954), 45th (1959), 50th (1964), and 55th (1969) class reunions, held during Gala Week. Also included are some administrative records created or collected by the Class of 1914.
Alumni Directories, 1965
The collection contains two directories for the Class of 1920’s 45th class reunion, at the 1965 Gala Week.