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Box 51


Contains 22 Results:

Experiments and Inventions, 1862 - 1966, bulk: 1915 - 1964

 Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 1
Scope and Contents This series consists of materials that document the inventions created and patented by Benjamin Miessner, as well as experiments conducted by him and his employees. Materials located in this series include but are not limited to patents assigned to Benjamin Miessner; technical drawings, notes, and reports written by Miessner; laboratory notebooks documenting the experiments of Miessner, as well as his employees Charles T. Jacobs, Frederic D. Merrill, and Victor Mumma; developed photographs...
Dates: 1862 - 1966; Majority of material found within 1915 - 1964

Technical Information, 1910 - 1964

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 1, Sub-Series 2
Scope and Contents This sub-series consists of visual and textual documents explaining the functions of technical devices or inventions, or documenting research and experiments being conducted by Miessner. It includes but is not limited to blueprints of Miessner’s inventions or devices being used by Miessner in his experiments; descriptions and sketches of inventions being worked on by Miessner and his associates; notes on experiments conducted by Miessner or his associates; and user manuals for devices used...
Dates: 1910 - 1964

Correspondence, 1871 - 1970, bulk: 1918 - 1965

 Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 2
Scope and Contents This series contains correspondence between Miessner and various companies, organizations, and individuals. Correspondents whose letters are present in the collection include but are not limited to members of Miessner’s family, including his brother William Otto Miessner, his father, and his two daughters; piano manufacturers, including but not limited to the Wurlitzer company, Story and Clark Piano Company, and Baldwin Company; his patent lawyers, especially Edward H. Loftin and Charles T....
Dates: 1871 - 1970; Majority of material found within 1918 - 1965

Business Correspondence, 1871 - 1967, bulk: 1918 - 1965

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 2, Sub-Series 2
Scope and Contents The Business Correspondence sub-series contains letters and reports detailing the business dealings and work of Benjamin Miessner and his employees. Individuals and organizations present in the sub-series include but is not limited to Emil J. Simon, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, Edward H. Loftin, Charles T. Jacobs, Baldwin Piano Company, Radio Corporation of American, The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, and Miessner’s employees Victor Mumma and Fred Merrill.The subjects of the...
Dates: 1871 - 1967; Majority of material found within 1918 - 1965

Publications, 1899 - 1972

 Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 4
Scope and Contents This series contains publications written or collected by Benjamin Miessner. Types of publications include but are not limited to books, periodicals, Miessner’s drafts and manuscripts, and published versions of Miessner’s lectures and speeches. Also included are item catalogs, newspaper clippings, theses, service and owner’s manuals, and other miscellaneous publications.The subjects of the publications include but are not limited to electronic musical instruments, electrical and...
Dates: 1899 - 1972

Webster Electric Company Instructions and Blueprints, 1936 - 1938

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, File 16
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series: This sub-series consists of visual and textual documents explaining the functions of technical devices or inventions, or documenting research and experiments being conducted by Miessner. It includes but is not limited to blueprints of Miessner’s inventions or devices being used by Miessner in his experiments; descriptions and sketches of inventions being worked on by Miessner and his associates; notes on experiments conducted by Miessner or his associates; and user manuals for devices used...
Dates: 1936 - 1938

Subject Correspondence, 1900 - 1970, bulk: 1928 - 1964

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 2, Sub-Series 3
Scope and Contents The Subject Correspondence sub-series contains letters organized topically by Miessner, and which don’t relate to his work as an inventor. Subjects include Miessner’s letters to the editor of, and attempts to publish articles in, various periodicals, including Electronics, Piano Trade Magazine, and Radio-Electronics; lectures that Miessner gave at various institutions, including a presentation on creativity at Rutgers University; the role of inventors and inventions in America; and his...
Dates: 1900 - 1970; Majority of material found within 1928 - 1964

Manuscripts, circa 1911-1963, bulk: 1954 - 1963

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 4, Sub-Series 3
Scope and Contents

The Manuscripts sub-series contains Miessner’s drafts and working documents for his publications. Drafts for Miessner’s book “On the Early History of Radio Guidance" can be found in the “John Hays Hammond, Jr. Feud” series.

Dates: circa 1911-1963; Majority of material found within 1954 - 1963

Personal Files, 1913 - 1972

 Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 5
Scope and Contents The Personal Files series contains documents related to Miessner’s personal and school life. It includes but is not limited to notebooks and class lists from his time as a student at Purdue University, address and guest books, financial and travel records, political materials, and photographs of Benjamin Miessner.Also included are correspondence and articles related to Miessner's philanthropic activities, including donations to a Purdue scholarship fund and donation of a science...
Dates: 1913 - 1972

Miessner House Plans, October 8, 1970

 File — Box: 51, Folder: 14
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 5, File 20
Scope and Contents From the Series: The Personal Files series contains documents related to Miessner’s personal and school life. It includes but is not limited to notebooks and class lists from his time as a student at Purdue University, address and guest books, financial and travel records, political materials, and photographs of Benjamin Miessner.Also included are correspondence and articles related to Miessner's philanthropic activities, including donations to a Purdue scholarship fund and donation of a science...
Dates: October 8, 1970

Benjamin Miessner Inventions, 1918 - 1931

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, File 3
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series: This sub-series consists of visual and textual documents explaining the functions of technical devices or inventions, or documenting research and experiments being conducted by Miessner. It includes but is not limited to blueprints of Miessner’s inventions or devices being used by Miessner in his experiments; descriptions and sketches of inventions being worked on by Miessner and his associates; notes on experiments conducted by Miessner or his associates; and user manuals for devices used...
Dates: 1918 - 1931

Alternating Current Set and Tube Notes, 1920 - 1922

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, File 6
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series: This sub-series consists of visual and textual documents explaining the functions of technical devices or inventions, or documenting research and experiments being conducted by Miessner. It includes but is not limited to blueprints of Miessner’s inventions or devices being used by Miessner in his experiments; descriptions and sketches of inventions being worked on by Miessner and his associates; notes on experiments conducted by Miessner or his associates; and user manuals for devices used...
Dates: 1920 - 1922

Miessner Alternating Current Inventions

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, File 13
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series: This sub-series consists of visual and textual documents explaining the functions of technical devices or inventions, or documenting research and experiments being conducted by Miessner. It includes but is not limited to blueprints of Miessner’s inventions or devices being used by Miessner in his experiments; descriptions and sketches of inventions being worked on by Miessner and his associates; notes on experiments conducted by Miessner or his associates; and user manuals for devices used...
Dates: 1910 - 1964

Organ and Piano Company Inquiries, 1934 - 1939

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 2, Sub-Series 2, File 35
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series: The Business Correspondence sub-series contains letters and reports detailing the business dealings and work of Benjamin Miessner and his employees. Individuals and organizations present in the sub-series include but is not limited to Emil J. Simon, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, Edward H. Loftin, Charles T. Jacobs, Baldwin Piano Company, Radio Corporation of American, The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, and Miessner’s employees Victor Mumma and Fred Merrill.The subjects of the...
Dates: 1934 - 1939

Krakauer Bros. Piano Makers, 1936 - 1940

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 2, Sub-Series 2, File 42
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series: The Business Correspondence sub-series contains letters and reports detailing the business dealings and work of Benjamin Miessner and his employees. Individuals and organizations present in the sub-series include but is not limited to Emil J. Simon, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, Edward H. Loftin, Charles T. Jacobs, Baldwin Piano Company, Radio Corporation of American, The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, and Miessner’s employees Victor Mumma and Fred Merrill.The subjects of the...
Dates: 1936 - 1940

United States Department of Commerce, 1941-1944, 1957

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 2, Sub-Series 2, File 55
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series: The Business Correspondence sub-series contains letters and reports detailing the business dealings and work of Benjamin Miessner and his employees. Individuals and organizations present in the sub-series include but is not limited to Emil J. Simon, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, Edward H. Loftin, Charles T. Jacobs, Baldwin Piano Company, Radio Corporation of American, The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, and Miessner’s employees Victor Mumma and Fred Merrill.The subjects of the...
Dates: 1941-1944, 1957

Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1926-1933, 1941, 1948-1963

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 2, Sub-Series 2, File 17
Scope and Contents

Contains miscellaneous work-related correspondence. Also included are blueprints for a radio circuit and, which were originally included folded with correspondence in the "Miscellaneous Business Correspondence" folder.

Dates: 1926-1933, 1941, 1948-1963

Wurlitzer Company Royalty Reports and Miessner Patent License Name Plates, 1945 - 1964

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 2, Sub-Series 2, File 60
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series: The Business Correspondence sub-series contains letters and reports detailing the business dealings and work of Benjamin Miessner and his employees. Individuals and organizations present in the sub-series include but is not limited to Emil J. Simon, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, Edward H. Loftin, Charles T. Jacobs, Baldwin Piano Company, Radio Corporation of American, The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, and Miessner’s employees Victor Mumma and Fred Merrill.The subjects of the...
Dates: 1945 - 1964

Work for the United States Signal Corps, 1941-1943, 1952-1953

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 2, Sub-Series 2, File 54
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series: The Business Correspondence sub-series contains letters and reports detailing the business dealings and work of Benjamin Miessner and his employees. Individuals and organizations present in the sub-series include but is not limited to Emil J. Simon, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, Edward H. Loftin, Charles T. Jacobs, Baldwin Piano Company, Radio Corporation of American, The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, and Miessner’s employees Victor Mumma and Fred Merrill.The subjects of the...
Dates: 1941-1943, 1952-1953

Submarine Detection, 1939-1945, 1962-1964

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 2, Sub-Series 3, File 8
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series: The Subject Correspondence sub-series contains letters organized topically by Miessner, and which don’t relate to his work as an inventor. Subjects include Miessner’s letters to the editor of, and attempts to publish articles in, various periodicals, including Electronics, Piano Trade Magazine, and Radio-Electronics; lectures that Miessner gave at various institutions, including a presentation on creativity at Rutgers University; the role of inventors and inventions in America; and his...
Dates: 1939-1945, 1962-1964

"Simple Electronic Metal Detector", circa 1963

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2, Series 4, Sub-Series 3, File 9
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series:

The Manuscripts sub-series contains Miessner’s drafts and working documents for his publications. Drafts for Miessner’s book “On the Early History of Radio Guidance" can be found in the “John Hays Hammond, Jr. Feud” series.

Dates: circa 1963

Benjamin F. Miessner papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 2
Scope and Contents The Benjamin F. Miessner papers document the working career and interests of the American inventor. It includes a large collection of patents awarded to Miessner or assigned to his company, Miessner Inventions, Inc., as well as various North American and European patents researched by Miessner; lab notebooks, blueprints, sketches, graphs, photographs, and other items documenting the experiments conducted by Miessner and his employees; correspondence between Miessner and various individuals...
Dates: 1862 - 1972; Majority of material found within 1910 - 1965