Box 2
Contains 146 Results:
Krystal, John H., Laurence P. Karper, John P. Seibyl, et al. "Subanesthetic Effects of the Noncompetitive NMDA Antagonist , Ketamine, in Humans." Archives of General Psychiatry 51, March 1994
Passie, Torsten, Matthias Karst, Mathias Borsutzky, et al. "Effects of Different Subanaesthetic Doses of (S)-ketamine on Psychopathology and Binocular Depth Inversion in Man." Journal of Psychopharmacology 17, no.1, 2003
Perry, Edward B., Jr., Joyce A. Cramer, Hyun-Sang Cho, et al. "Psychiatric Safety of Ketamine in Psychopharmacology Research." Psychopharmacology 192, 2007
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database Academic Search Premier.
Rogo, D. Scott. "Ketamine and the Near-Death Experience." Anabiosis—The Journal for Near-Death Studies 4, no. 1, Spring 1984
Siegel, Ronald K. "Phencyclidine and Ketamine Intoxication: A Study of Four Populations of Recreational Users." NIDA Research Monograph 21, August 1978
Photocopy. Brief markings.
LSD, 1964 - 1997
Bleibtreu, John N. "LSD and the Third Eye." The Atlantic Monthly, undated
Photocopy. Issue information not discernible. This article is available electronically in the database Academic Search Premier.
Brown, Barbara B. "LSD and Brain Wave Responses to Color.", 1966
Reprint. Title of publication indicated on first page. Underlining throughout document.
Fort, Joel and Ralph Metzner. "LSD, Chromosomes and Sensationalism." Psychedelic Review 10., undated
Reprint. Revised edition.
Hawaii Medical Journal 41, no. 12, December 1982
Horowitz, Michael. "Interview: Albert Hofmann." High Times, undated
Reprint. Publishing information not discernible.
Isernhagen, H. "Acid Against Established Realities: A Transcultural and Transdisciplinary View of LSD and Related Hallucinogens." In Fifty Years of LSD: Current Status and Perspectives of Hallucinogens: A Symposium of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, Lugano-Agno (Switzerland), October 21 and 22, 1993, edited by A. Pletscher and D. Ladewig, 121-131. New York: Parthenon Publishing Group, 1994
Ling, Thomas M. and John Buckman. "The Treatment of Frigidity with LSD and Ritalin." The Psychedelic Review 1, no. 4, 1964
McGlothlin, William H., Sidney Cohen, and Marcella S. McGlothlin. "Short-Term Effects of LSD on Anxiety, Attitudes and Performance." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 139, no. 3, September 1964
Reprint. Outer front cover has writing.
McGlothlin, William, Sidney Cohen, and Marcella S. McGlothlin. "Long Lasting Effects of LSD on Normals." Archives of General Psychiatry 17, November 1967
Reprint. "Metzner" written on front page. Brief marginalia.
McWilliams, Spencer A. and Renée J. Tuttle. "Long-Term Psychological Effects of LSD." Psychological Bulletin 79, no. 6, 1973
Metzner, Ralph. "Reflections on LSD - Ten Years Later." Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 10, no. 2, April - June 1978
Novak, Steven J. "LSD before Leary: Sidney Cohen’s Critique of 1950s Psychedelic Drug Research." Isis 88, 1997
Silling, Marc S. "LSD Flashbacks: An Overview of the Literature for Counselors." American Mental Health Counselors Association Journal, January 1980
Photocopy. Passages throughout article are underlined.
"Simple Extraction Methods of LA-111 from Argyreia and Ipomoea Species." Version 1, 1996
Snyder, Solomon H. and Martin Reivich. "Regional Localization of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Monkey Brain." Nature 209, no. 5028, March 1966
Ecstasy/MDMA and Related Phenethylamines, 1961 - 2005
Abramson, David. "The New Drug Underground." New Age, October 1985
Barnes, Edward, Susan Peters, and Janet Zich. "The Trouble with Ecstasy.", undated
Reprint. Publication information not discernible.
Bartlett, Thomas. "Ecstasy Agonistes." The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 27, 2004
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database Academic Search Premier.