Box 2
Contains 146 Results:
MacDougall, Thomas. "Ipomea Tricolor A Hallucinogenic Plant of the Zapotecs." Boletin del Centro de Investigaciones Antropologicas de Mexico, no. 6, March 1960
Photocopy. Brief marginalia on first page. Duplicate copy.
Marles, Robin J., David A. Neill, and Norman R. Farnsworth. "A Contribution to the Ethnopharmacology of the Lowlands Quichua People of Amazonian Ecuador." Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales 16, no. 63, 1988
Photocopy. Brief highlight of author's name on first page.
Mayagoitia, Lilian, José-Luis Díaz, and Carlos M. Contreras. "Psychopharmacologic Analysis of an Alleged Oneirogenic Plant: Calea Zacatechichi." Journal of Ethnopharmacology 18, 1986
Most, Albert. Peganum harmala: The Hallucinogenic Herb of the American Southwest. Denton, TX: Venom Press, 1985
Most, Stephen. "Stoned White Magic in Peru.", January 1972
Photocopy. Publication information not discernible.
Schultes, Richard Evans. "Botanical Sources of the New World Narcotics." Psychedelic Review 1, no. 2, Fall 1963
Schultes, Richard Evans. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XV: Desfontainia: A New Andean Hallucinogen." Botanical Museum Leaflets 25, no. 3, 1977
Schultes, Richard Evans. "Ein halbes Jahrhundert Ethnobotanik amerikanischer Halluzinogene." Planta Medica: Zeitschrift für Arzneipflanzenforschung 2, May 1965
Reprint. In German.
Schultes, Richard Evans. "Hallucinogens of Plant Origin." Science 163, January 1969
Reprint. This article is available electronically in the database JSTOR Life Sciences Collection.
Wurdack, J.J. "Indian Narcotics in Southern Venezuela." The Garden Journal, July - August 1958
Photocopy. Document has a stamp of date in upper corner of first page.
Zardini, Elisa M. "The Identification of an Argentinian [sic] Narcotic." Botanical Museum Leaflets 25, no. 3, 1977
Nightshades/datura and Miscellaneous Other Hallucinogens, 1961 - 1992
Bert, Maryse, René Marcy, Marie-Anne Quermonne, et al. "Non-Amphetaminic Central Stimulation by Alkaloids from the Ibogane and Vobasine Series." Planta Medica, 1988
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database Thieme eJournals.
Callaway, J.C. "A Proposed Mechanism for the Visions of Dream Sleep." Medical Hypotheses 26, 1988
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database Science Direct.
Grob, Charles and Marlene Dobkin de Rios. "Adolescent Drug Use in Cross-Cultural Perspective." The Journal of Drug Issues 22, no. 1, 1992
Reprint. This article is available electronically in Academic Search Premier.
Hofmann, Albert. "Die Wirkstoffe der mexikanischen Zauberdroge ‘Ololiuqui’." Planta Medica: Zeitschrift für Arzneipflanzenforschung 4, December 1961
Reprint. Inscribed and signed by Albert Hofmann. Article in German.
Johnson, Cecil E. "Mystical Force of the Nightshade." International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, May - June 1968
Metzner, Ralph. "On the Evolutionary Significance of Psychedelics." Main Currents of Modern Thought 25, 1, 1968
Reprint. Editing marks and sections crossed out throughout article.
Metzner, Ralph. "Subjective Effects of Anti-Cholinergic Hallucinogens." Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 9, no. 4, October - December 1977
Rätsch, Christian and Heinz Jürgen Probst. "Xtohk'Uh: zur Ethnobotanik der Datura spp. bei den Maya in Yucatan.", 1985
Photocopy. Article published in a journal in 1985 under a slightly different title. This appears to be an unpublished version. In German.
Russo, Ethan B. "Headache Treatments by Native Peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon: A Preliminary Cross-Disciplinary Assessment." Journal of Ethnopharmacology 36, 1992
Weil, Andrew T. "Observations on Consciousness Alteration: Some Notes on Datura." Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 9, no. 2, April - June 1977
Peyote and San Pedro Cactus, 1967 - 1997
Agurell, Stig, Jan G. Bruhn, Jan Lundström, et al. "Cactaccae Alkaloids. X. Alkaloids of Trichocereus Species and Some Other Cacti." Lloydia 34, no. 2, June 1971
Photocopy. Full article. Brief marginalia.
Agurell, Stig, Jan G. Bruhn, Jan Lundström, et al. "Cactaccae Alkaloids. X. Alkaloids of Trichocereus Species and Some Other Cacti." Lloydia 34, no. 2, June 1971
Photocopy. Partial article.