Box 2
Contains 146 Results:
Blosser, Bret. "The Return of the Peyoteros." Whole Earth Review, Summer 1992
Crosby, D.M. and J.L. McLaughlin. "Cactus Alkaloids. XIX. Crystallization of Mescaline HCl and 3-Methoxytyramine HCl from Trichocereus pachanoi." Lloydia 36, no. 4, December 1973
Photocopy. Brief marginalia. Underlining throughout document.
Davis, E. Wade. "Sacred Plants of the San Pedro Cult." Botanical Museum Leaflets 29, no. 4, Fall 1983
Photocopy. Pages are numbered by hand.
Dobkin, Marlene. "Trichocereus pachanoi—A Mescaline Cactus Used in Folk Healing in Peru.", 1967
Photocopy. Journal title, volume information missing. This article is available electronically in the database JSTOR.
Employment Division v. Smith, 494 US 872. In U.S. Supreme Court Reports, undated
Photocopy. Brief marginalia. Information on publishing details, editor not discernible.
Fikes, Jay Courtney. "Native American Church: Concerning the History, Legal Status and the Need for Federal Legislation.", undated
Photocopy. Publication information is not discernible. Document may be unprinted.
Gorman, Peter. "Quanah Parker: The Man Who Brought Peyote to North America." High Times, undated
Reprint. Publishing information, editors, and date are not discernible. Article is made up of pages from the High Times magazine and the Best of High Times Book.
Gottlieb, Adam. Peyote and Other Psychoactive Cacti. Kistone Press, 1977
Photocopy. Passages highlighted throughout. Brief marginalia.
Joralemon, Donald. Symbolic Space and Ritual Time in a Peruvian Healing Ceremony. San Diego: San Diego Museum of Man, 1984
Photocopy. Pages numbered by hand.
Lake, Robert. "The Plant People." Herbs 1, November 1988
Photocopy. Citation information is indicated in handwritten note. First page has signature (photocopied) of Robert Lake.
Native American Rights Fund: Legal Review 20, no. 1, Winter - Spring 1995
Reprint. Journal contains various articles that pertain to Peyote use.
Ostolaza, Carlos. "Trichocereus Pachanoi Br. and R." Cactus and Succulent Journal 56, 1984
Patchen, Jerry D. "The Jurisprudence of Peyote (Lophophora williamsii) in North America.", undated
Photocopy. Publication information uncertain, may be unpublished.
The Peyote Awareness Journal 1, no. 1, July - August 1996
"Peyote Way Church of God, Inc. v. Thornburgh." Federal Reporter., undated
Photocopy. Publication information not discernible.
Polia, M. and A. Bianchi. "Ethnological Evidences and Cultural Patterns of the Use of Trichocereus Pachanoi B.R. among Peruvian Curanderos." Integration, Journal for Mind-Moving Plants and Culture, no. 1, 1991
Sharon, Douglas. "The San Pedro Cactus in Peruvian Folk Healing." In Flesh of the Gods: The Ritual Use of Hallucinogens, edited by Peter T. Furst, 114–135. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972
Photocopy. Brief marginalia.
Sharon, Douglas G. and Christopher B. Donnan. "The Magical Cactus: Ethnoarchaeological Continuity in Peru", undated
Photocopy. Article is part of a larger work. Publication information not discernible.
Trout, K., comp. Sacred Cacti and Some Selected Succulents: Botany, Chemistry, Cultivation and Utilization. Trout and Friends, 1997
Photocopy. Article is excerpted from one chapter of a larger work.
Trout, K., comp. Summary of the Occurrence of Mescaline. Trout and Friends, 1997
Photocopy. Some publication information is indiscernible.
Trout, K., comp. "Trout’s Notes on Mescaline." In Sacred Cacti and Selected Succulents. Trout and Friends, 1997
Reprint. Document appears to be an unprinted version of a large work.