Communal collections box 25
Contains 28 Results:
Forestry, Ingersoll, Charles L. Reprinted from Farmer's Institute, Board of Agriculture, pp. 222-238, 1880
The collection contains one folder with articles by Charles Ingersoll.
Feeding and Breeding, Ingersoll, Charles L. Reprinted from Farmer's Institute, Board of Agriculture, pp. 479-488, 1881
The collection contains one folder with articles by Charles Ingersoll.
Address, Charles L. Ingersoll, Reprinted from Farmer's Institute, Board of Agriculture, pp. 455-456, 1881
The collection contains one folder with articles by Charles Ingersoll.
Our Agricultural College Work, Ingersoll, Charles L. Reprinted from Farmer's Institute, Board of Agriculture, pp. 214-216, 1881
The collection contains one folder with articles by Charles Ingersoll.
Articles, 1882-1889
Articles, 1889-1896
Articles, 1897-1909
Miscellaneous Papers, 1931-1959
Articles, 1880 - 1881
The collection contains one folder with articles by Charles Ingersoll.
Dissertation, Some Theorems on the Summation of Divergent Series, 1917
The collection consists of two copies of Glenn James' dissertation.
The Unattached Aecial Forms of Plant-Rusts in North America, Johnson, A. G. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, pp. 375-413, 1911
One folder containing an article by Aaron Johnson.
A Reduction-Product of Orthosulphobenzoic Chloride, Jones, Walter. Reprinted from American Chemical Journal, vol. XVI, no. 5, pp. 366-369, 1894
The collection consists of one folder which contains an article by Walter Jones.
Article, 1928
Effects of Multiple Ignition on the Performance of a Small Engine, Jacklin, H. M. The Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 45, 1928. Columbus Ohio: Ohio State University.
Some Contributions by H. M. Jacklin, 1926-1933
Henry A. Huston papers
Four folders of papers of Henry Huston.
Charles L. Ingersoll papers
The collection contains one folder with articles by Charles Ingersoll.
Glenn James papers
The collection consists of two copies of Glenn James' dissertation.
Aaron G. Johnson papers
One folder containing an article by Aaron Johnson.
Walter J. Jones papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains an article by Walter Jones.
Eldon K. Jerome papers
One folder containing an article by Eldon Jerome.
Jules Janick papers
The collection is comprised of one article by Jules Janick.
Lowell B. Jackson papers
The collection contains one folder with a publication by Lowell Jackson.
Alpha Pierce Jamison papers
The collection consists of a textbook by Alpha Jamison.
Harold M. Jacklin papers
Papers of Harold Jacklin, Purdue faculty member. The papers primarily consist of research papers by Jacklin or collected by him, on automotive vehicles, motors, and engines. Includes papers from Purdue University Automotive Service Conferences as well as information on the Jacklin High Speed Indicator. Please see PDF Finding Aid for collection inventory.
Change of Voice in Male Adolescents, Jerome, Eldon K. Reprinted from The Quarterly Journal of Speech, vol. XXIII, no. 4, pp. 648-653, December 1937
One folder containing an article by Eldon Jerome.