Box 19
Contains 8 Results:
White three-ring binder with the cover, "Air Force Flight Test Center Strategic Plan", April 20 - 21, 1992
Includes various documents supporting the "Strategic Plan Offsite," 20-21 April 1992 (includes Bridges' handwritten speaking notes and charts for kicking off the discussion).
Programs, notes, clippings and an adhesive patch from Air Force Materiel Command Activation Ceremony, July 1, 1992
Per notes from Bridges, he helped with the start-up of the new Command as Commander of the Air Force Flight Test Center.)
YF-22, September 1992
Contains a handwritten memo to General Yates, Commander, Air Force Materiel Command while Bridges was the AFFTC Commander regarding the conclusions of the accident board on the YF-22 mishap and other background material.
"SFTC" , March 1993
Per Bridges, contains the Single Face to the Customer (SFTC) organization which was created while Bridges was the Commander of the AFFTC to stop the internal competition for test customers within the AFMC, which was very destructive for all concerned.
AFFTC Quality , 1993
Briefings and plans for the Air Force Flight Test Center Quality Program which Bridges led while the AFFTC Commander.