Box 6
Contains 25 Results:
Purdue University Military and Engineering Student Materials, 1929-1934
Folder 1
Item 1
Purdue University Military Department, Cadet Officers' Manual. Lafayette, Indiana: Military Department Purdue University, 1931 [Most of these manuals have been removed from the collection and cataloged for preservation purposes. Those missing covers and back pages are in this folder.]
Item 2
Purdue University Military Department, Corps Regulations. Lafayette, Indiana: Military Department Purdue University, 1929
Item 3
Purdue University Military Department, Gunnery. Lafayette, Indiana: Military Department Purdue University, undated [cover page and back page missing.]
Item 4
Purdue University Military Department, Material. Lafayette, Indiana: Military Department Purdue University, undated [cover page and back page missing.]
Item 5
Purdue University Military Department, Motor Vehicle Assembly. Lafayette, Indiana: Military Department Purdue University, undated [cover page and back page missing.]
Item 6
Purdue University Military Department, Policy Manual. Lafayette, Indiana: Military Department Purdue University, 1933
Item 7
Purdue University Military Department, Reconnaissance. Lafayette, Indiana: Military Department Purdue University, undated
Item 8
Purdue University Military Department, Tactics Manual. Lafayette, Indiana: Military Department Purdue University, 1932
Item 9
Purdue University Military Department, Topography Manual. Lafayette, Indiana: Military Department Purdue University, 1932
Item 10
Purdue University Military Department, Topography Manual. Lafayette, Indiana: Military Department Purdue University, 1932
Folder 2
Item 1
The Log Duplex Slide Rule: A Self Teaching Manual, 1926 [2 copies]
Purdue University class notebooks, 1932-1933
[Applied Mechanics 1, Applied Mechanics 2, Commercial Air Conditioning, Electrical Engineering 20, Mathematics 4, Mechanical Engineering 62, Mechanical Engineering 91, brown three ring binder with various notes and schedules.]
Folder 4
Purdue University laboratory notes and exercises, 1929 [Laboratory Manual and Study Outline of General Chemistry by L. A. Test and C. B. Pollard]
Folder 5
Purdue University laboratory notes and exercises, 1931 [Mechanical Engineering/ Physics, File No. 21-J experiment booklets, one is missing a cover, thirteen items.]
Folder 6
Purdue University laboratory notes and exercises, 1932 [Mechanical Engineering/ Physics, File No. K-7 experiment booklets, eleven items; Mechanical Engineering/ Physics, File No. 22-K-7 experiment booklets, two items.]
Purdue University laboratory notes and exercises, 1933
[Two ring binder entitled Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Notes, Mechanical Laboratory (172, 173), (then in handwriting) Experiment No.36 Test Nov 15, 1933, Junior and Senior Engineering Students at Purdue University by L.V. Ludy, Lafayette, Indiana, September 1932]
Folder 8
Purdue University laboratory notes and exercises, undated [two items: Battle off Jutland, and Mathematics]
Purdue University Military Department exercises and related documents, 1932-1934
Single page typed document detailing arm signals and whistle signals used in the postmarked dated December 17, 1932; Small typewritten card titled Range Scale for 37mm Gun on the reverse side is a handwritten bank ledger; Four typewritten documents: Map Problems - Battery of Field Artillery in the Attack; Solution of Map Problem: Battery of Field Artillery in the Attack; A Solution: Battery "C" in Forward Displacement; Organization of a Battalion - Infantry Regiment.
Folder 10
Purdue University class schedules, registration forms, and fee cards, 1930-1933
Folder 11
Letter from James M. Hippensteel, uncle, December 7, 1932
Folder 12
Purdue University Mechanical Engineering exams and answers, 1932-1934
Folder 13
Colored drawing, undated [colored pencil drawing of house and evergreen trees in winter, signed R. Hippensteel.]