Communal collections box 23
Contains 56 Results:
Frederick W. Greve papers
The Frederick W. Greve papers include articles published by Greve, primarily about hydraulics, as well as an membership certificates from the American Society of Civil Engineering and American Society of Mechanical Engineering, both from 1943.
Publications, 1895 - 1927
Obituaries, Correspondence, Reports, 1894-1964
Articles, 1918-1921
The Frederick W. Greve papers include articles published by Greve, primarily about hydraulics, as well as an membership certificates from the American Society of Civil Engineering and American Society of Mechanical Engineering, both from 1943.
Correspondence, Report, Transcript, 1970 - 1971
Includes correspondence regarding Professor Hansen's request for leave from Purdue to pursue further studies in theology and related subjects.
Articles, 1908-1915
Articles, 1915-1918
Articles, 1920-1932
Program, 1986
In Memory of Violet B. Haas, November 23, 1926 to January 21, 1986, program from her funeral service.
Articles, 1920-1922
One folder containing articles by Laurenz Greene.
Articles, 1923 - 1928
One folder containing articles by Otis Hall.
The Round-Headed Apple Tree Borer, Graham, Gordon, Hoosier Horticulture; Indiana Horticultural Society Bulletin, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 7-10, June 1919
One folder containing an article by Gordon Graham.
Articles, 1911 - 1914
An Apparatus For The Study Of The Radiation From Covered And Uncovered Steam Pipes, Grantham, G. E.; Silvey, O. W. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1911, pp. 229-235.
The Time Factor In Selenium Resistance, Grantham, G. E. Reprinted from The Physical Review, N. S., vol. IV, no. 3, September, 1914, pp. 259-266.
Course Manual, 1896
A Course In Inorganic Qualitative Chemistry, Green, Arthur L., (1896). Terre Haute, Indiana: Moore Langen, Printers and Binders. [Second Temporary Edition].
Course Manual, 1896
Second copy of: A Course In Inorganic Qualitative Chemistry, Green, Arthur L. (1896). Terre Haute, Indiana: Moore and Langen, Printers and Binders. [Second Temporary Edition].
Articles, 1903-1906
The papers include three folders containing articles by Edward Hancock.
Articles, 1906 - 1907
Ueber den Einflub zusammengesetzter Spannungen auf die elastischen Eigenschaften von Stahl, Von Ewald L. Hancock, Sonderabdruck aus der Wochenschrift Dinglers Polytechnisches Journal, Bd. 322, Heft 12, 1906, pp. 1-4. [2 copies]
Effect of Combined Stresses on the Elastic Properties of Steel, Hancock, E. L. Authorized reprint from the Proceedings of the American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., vol. VII, 1907, pp. 258-272. [4 copies]
Articles, 1907 - 1908
The papers include three folders containing articles by Edward Hancock.
Articles, 1924 - 1925
One folder containing articles by Albert Hansen.
Poems of the Sea, December 1936
One folder containing two copies of Poems of the Sea, by Frank Hargrave.
Articles, 1921-1925
The Frederick W. Greve papers include articles published by Greve, primarily about hydraulics, as well as an membership certificates from the American Society of Civil Engineering and American Society of Mechanical Engineering, both from 1943.
Boys' And Girls' Club Camps, Hall, O. F. Purdue University Department of Agricultural Extension, Extension Bulletin, No. 115, April 1923
One folder containing articles by Otis Hall.
Concerning Country Life, Hall, O. F. The Hoosier Farmer, p. 17, February 1, 1928
One folder containing articles by Otis Hall.
Concerning Country Life, Hall, O. F. The Hoosier Farmer, February 15, 1928
One folder containing articles by Otis Hall.
Concerning Country Life, Hall, O. F. The Hoosier Farmer , April 1, 1928
One folder containing articles by Otis Hall.