Box 11
Contains 28 Results:
Professional, 1900 - 1945
This series contains materials relating to Hepburn's professional work, primarily consisting of his involvement in library-related organizations. The majority of the materials are bulletins from the American Library Association and Indiana Library Association.
American Library Association, 1900 - 1933
This sub-series contains publications from the American Library Association, of which Hepburn was a member.
Indiana Library Association, 1904 - 1937
This sub-series contains publications and some correspondence from the Indiana Library Association, of which Hepburn was a member.
Journals, 1903 - 1921
This sub-series contains publications from a variety of professional publications that Hepburn was subscribed to, including 'Bulletin of Bibliogrpahy' and the 'Special Libraries Journal'.
Report of the Committee of the Agricultural Libraries Section of the American Libraries Association, 1917
This sub-series contains publications from the American Library Association, of which Hepburn was a member.
Indiana Library Association Publications, 1904 - 1913
Materials includes two copies of the "Indiana Library Association Handbook" from 1913.
Indiana State Library Bulletin, 1906 - 1909
This sub-series contains publications and some correspondence from the Indiana Library Association, of which Hepburn was a member.
President's Address at Indiana Library Association meeting, 1910
This sub-series contains publications and some correspondence from the Indiana Library Association, of which Hepburn was a member.
Notes on college libraries and the community, 1911
This sub-series contains publications and some correspondence from the Indiana Library Association, of which Hepburn was a member.
Indiana Library Association correspondence, 1937
This sub-series contains publications and some correspondence from the Indiana Library Association, of which Hepburn was a member.
'Bulletin of Bibliography', 1903 - 1909
This sub-series contains publications from a variety of professional publications that Hepburn was subscribed to, including 'Bulletin of Bibliogrpahy' and the 'Special Libraries Journal'.
'The Educator Journal', 1913
This sub-series contains publications from a variety of professional publications that Hepburn was subscribed to, including 'Bulletin of Bibliogrpahy' and the 'Special Libraries Journal'.
'The Library Journal', 1914
This sub-series contains publications from a variety of professional publications that Hepburn was subscribed to, including 'Bulletin of Bibliogrpahy' and the 'Special Libraries Journal'.
'Special Libraries Journal', 1919 - 1921
This sub-series contains publications from a variety of professional publications that Hepburn was subscribed to, including 'Bulletin of Bibliogrpahy' and the 'Special Libraries Journal'.
Information about other agricultural libraries, 1908 - 1910
This sub-series contains material related to Hepburn's professional career that didn't fit into the other sub-series in the Professional series. It includes lists of agricultural publications, a tribute to Hepburn upon his retirement, building specifications for the library at Indiana University, and material from the Newcomen Society of England.
Tribute to Hepburn on his retirement, 1944
Article published in the "Library Occurrent," vol. 14, no. 11, July-September 1944.
Newcomen Society of England, 1945
This sub-series contains material related to Hepburn's professional career that didn't fit into the other sub-series in the Professional series. It includes lists of agricultural publications, a tribute to Hepburn upon his retirement, building specifications for the library at Indiana University, and material from the Newcomen Society of England.
Hepburn biography in Purdue Alumnus, 1930
This series contains Hepburn's personal material. Notable are Hepburn's passport to France during World War I and Nova Scotia newspaper articles, including one written by Hepburn.
'The Laurel' photo, 1932 - 1934
This series contains Hepburn's personal material. Notable are Hepburn's passport to France during World War I and Nova Scotia newspaper articles, including one written by Hepburn.
'Visit to England, 1936', 1937
This series contains Hepburn's personal material. Notable are Hepburn's passport to France during World War I and Nova Scotia newspaper articles, including one written by Hepburn.
Painting of Fish Houses by Miss Swan, undated
This series contains Hepburn's personal material. Notable are Hepburn's passport to France during World War I and Nova Scotia newspaper articles, including one written by Hepburn.
Prints, undated
This series contains Hepburn's personal material. Notable are Hepburn's passport to France during World War I and Nova Scotia newspaper articles, including one written by Hepburn.
Library-related poems, undated
This series contains Hepburn's personal material. Notable are Hepburn's passport to France during World War I and Nova Scotia newspaper articles, including one written by Hepburn.
Handwritten quotations, undated
This series contains Hepburn's personal material. Notable are Hepburn's passport to France during World War I and Nova Scotia newspaper articles, including one written by Hepburn.
Miscellaneous, 1905 - 1945
This sub-series contains material related to Hepburn's professional career that didn't fit into the other sub-series in the Professional series. It includes lists of agricultural publications, a tribute to Hepburn upon his retirement, building specifications for the library at Indiana University, and material from the Newcomen Society of England.